Showing Neatness in your Application Essay Editing

Everyone knows that neat application essays are extremely important to each college applicant. But how do you keep it neat and organized as well as keep it entertaining and formal to the recipient college?

Before you even start to actually write, jot down everything you want to cover and talk about in your essay. It's very important to make sure to cover all bases of your life, so that you can revise and take out the unimportant parts before your final draft. Once you have written out every single thing you can think about that may highlight why you are best suited for the college, start working on your first draft.

Once your first draft is finished, next step is editing. When editing your essay, make sure to show it to at least five people you trust and respect professionally (like your teachers, bosses, family members, etc.). Print your draft out and give them at least a full weekend to review your college application and give it back to you. These people will give you the honest feedback you're looking for. Once you have all your drafts back, review the pointers they've given you.

Now you have your final draft all set after critique and revision, but you're still not finished yet. Editing your final draft may seem tedious after all you've just done, but it's worth it in the end. Here are some tips for when you've finally made that final draft:

Step away from your article for at least one full day after you've done all of the above steps and edited until you felt it was done. Once you come back to your article after a night's rest, you'll have a clearer mind about your article and be able to look at it without being frustrated. Reread the article out loud to see if it makes sense once more with all the changes you've made.

Finally, once all these suggestions are completed and if you have time, go to the one person you trust and respect the most and ask them to review it once more before you're able to turn it in.

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