Chris Herren's Addiction

Chris Herren is the ex NBA basketball player who always manages to make it to the headlines. However this is not because of his outstanding performances the news are mostly based on his latest drug usage and addiction confessions. It has been fourteen long years for the basketball star in drug addiction.

Chris herren was a favorite among the Boston college basketball team. The officials at the NBA club expected him to be a future star even before his first official match as a national player. He made it to the news when he was eighteen and was detected for the use of cocaine after his first game. After a few years the star again became a scandal for the news when he confessed to an audience of millions that he had again failed to come clear at a drug test. This too happened after he played a marvelous game for his college. Chris had always dreamed to play for Boston Celtics and the realization of this dream came in 2001. The player and his family members were too excited for this big day. However things did not run quite smooth after herren was found missing among his teammates who were warming up for the match. The match was held at fleet center and Chris was standing outside the center in his sports uniform waiting for a drug dealer he had just called. The player admits that it was impossible for him to play his game if he was not high. The drug according to him made him play better and increase his concentration. The addiction story of this man is not so short. He had been on heroin during his mother's funeral. At the time of his first child's birth he bumped his car while drunk driving. Only to be released on bail by his wife afterwards. There had been a time when he almost killed himself with an overdose. The growing concern of his family did not affect Chris enough to give up on drugs. The star's wife and children were deeply affected by his addiction and dependency on drugs. It has been five years now that he has been in rehab and finally has managed to win against his addiction.

Now that he is 3 and a half years sober he looks back at his life with an honest approach and admits his dependence on drugs. He further adds that he is proud of his family and friends who have supported him throughout.

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